Kunstfilm – Easter in Art

Torsdag 7. april kl. 18:00

HVOR: Kinokino
VARIGHET: 1 t og 27 min
PRIS: fra 150,- til 150,--
ARRANGØR: Sandnes kunst- og kulturhus


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Kunstfilm – Easter in Art

Easter in Art er dokumentaren om hvordan Jesu død og oppstandelse har dominert vestlig kultur de siste 2000 årene.

Det er kanskje den største historiske hendelsen, fortalt av evangeliene, men også blant noen av historiens største kunstnere, deriblant Manet, Caravaggio, El Greco, Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Rubens og Perugino.

Dokumentaren er filmet i Jerusalem, USA og Europa.
Språk engelsk. Filmen er tekstet på norsk.
Regi: Phil Grabsky
Varighet: 1 time og 25 min

“Anyone who has any interest in art… anyone who has any interest in visual culture… has to be interested in the Christian story.”Rachel Campbell-Johnston, The Times

The story of Christ’s death and resurrection has dominated western culture for the past 2000 years. It is perhaps the most significant historical event of all time, as recounted by the gospels but, equally, as depicted by the greatest artists in history. From the triumphant to the savage, the ethereal to the tactile, some of western civilization’s greatest artworks focus on this pivotal moment.

This beautifully crafted film explores the Easter story as depicted in art, from the time of the early Christians to the present day. Shot on location in Jerusalem, United States and throughout Europe, the film explores the different ways artists have depicted the Easter story through the ages and thus depicts the history of us all.

The greatest story ever painted!